Belay yo-ho-ho keelhaul squiffy black

Prow scuttle parrel provost Sail ho shrouds spirits boom mizzenmast yardarm. Pinnace holystone mizzenmast quarter crow's nest nipperkin grog yardarm hempen halter furl. Swab barque interloper chantey doubloon starboard grog black jack gangway rutters.


January Sale Plant Pods - Non-Leafy Greens (Affiliate Channels)

Red Pansy 30-pack

Red Pansy 30-pack

Grow Pansies in your indoor garden! Did you know the name 'pansy' is derived from the French word 'pensée', meaning 'thought'? It's no wonder we keep thinking of these gorgeous flowers. They have been a source of inspiration for many artists over the years, including Georgia O'Keeffe who produced a stunning painting of a Black Pansy in 1926. Grow the red variety of pansy in your Smart Garden and bring some fresh beauty to your living space! Benefits of growing Red Pansy with Click & Grow: Smart Garden does all the work - watering, nutrients, light levels Easiest way to enjoy fresh flowers all year round Pansy produces many flowers and blooms for a long time A great choice for people who are not afraid to stand out, to test new things

Pack size 30-pack
Dill 30-pack

Dill 30-pack

Grow fresh Dill in your indoor herb garden! Dill's no one-trick pony - make the most of this herb by using the entire plant in nourishing soups, salads, stews and drinks...and (obviously) pickles! Apart from giving an appetising flavour and taste, it has many medicinal properties. Do your body and your taste buds a favour and start growing dill today! Click & Grow Dill benefits: Growing dill in our indoor gardens requires 0 effort or input from you. Easy! One ounce of dill offers 43 percent of the vitamin A you need in a day, and 40 percent of the recommended amount of vitamin C. You also get 18 percent of the manganese, 11 percent of the folate, and 10 percent of the iron. What that does for the body is a lot. Unlike store-bought dill, with Click & Grow you can be sure your consuming the freshest most nutritious dill ever. And did we mention we don't use any pesticides or herbicides? Dill sprouts fast

Pack size 30-pack
Black Pansy 30-pack

Black Pansy 30-pack

Grow Pansies in your indoor garden! Did you know the name 'pansy' is derived from the French word 'pensée', meaning 'thought'? It's no wonder we keep thinking of these gorgeous flowers. They have been a source of inspiration for many artists over the years, including Georgia O'Keeffe who produced a stunning painting of a Black Pansy in 1926. Grow Black Pansies in your Smart Garden and bring some artistic vibes to your living space! Click & Grow Black Pansy benefits: One of the most majestic and eye-catching flowers Visually stunning Extremely easy to grow with a Click & Grow Smart Garden A great choice for people who are not afraid to stand out, to test new things

Pack size 30-pack