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5 Reasons Why You Need To Grow an Herb Garden This Summer

5 Reasons Why You Need To Grow an Herb Garden This Summer

Smart garden 3 with basil on a stylish tabletop.

Ahh, summer! For most people, this season means sun, beach, and all the other fun things to look forward to. But for avid gardeners around the world, it’s also a time to enjoy fresh, homegrown produce.

It’s not too late to prepare for a warm summer outdoor living season. Whether you already have an outdoor garden or not, adding an indoor herb garden is a wonderful way to enjoy new tastes, new aromas, and even a new outlook on life. 

If you love summer herbs such as basil, cilantro and mint, you can now grow them at home with ease using a Click & Grow Smart Garden. Here are 5 of the many reasons why you’ll benefit from growing herb plants indoors this summer:

1. It can be incredibly convenient when cooking

Young basil growing in a Smart Garden 3.

Growing herbs such as basil, cilantro and mint in an indoor herb garden can be incredibly helpful for when you want to cook. They’re readily available on your kitchen countertop, you can harvest them from your smart garden and pop them straight on your dinner plate. They can also be used in a variety of dishes. 

Basil is one of the most popular herbs that people grow in their homes. It's often used in Italian dishes such as spaghetti or pizza, but it can also be paired with other herbs like parsley and oregano to make a delicious pesto sauce. 

Cilantro is another versatile herb that goes especially well with Mexican dishes such as tacos or burritos. It's also delicious on top of salads or in soups.

Mint goes well with just about any type of food – whether it's cookies, chocolate desserts or even drinks like a sweet summer tea.

2. It can help you eat healthier meals

The smart garden 3 next to a pasta dish.

Herbs are the perfect way to add flavor, color and texture to your meals without adding unnecessary calories. They also happen to be loaded with antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. They can be used as a garnish or base for soups, stews and stir-fries. Herbs don't have to be overpowering — they should meld with other flavors rather than stand out on their own. By adding herbs to your meals, you’re already taking the first steps towards a healthier lifestyle this summer.

3. It’s fresher than store-bought herbs

Nothing beats homegrown herbs in the summer. They’re fresher, more fragrant and more flavorful than store-bought herbs. Plus, if you grow them in a smart garden, you have peace of mind knowing they contain no pesticides or any other harmful substances. 

With store-bought herbs, it’s likely they’ve been in storage for weeks or even months by the time you get them home. This means they’re less flavorful and less nutritious than fresh herbs. When preparing summer meals, fresh herbs are perfect as they pack a much more vibrant flavor.

4. It gives your home a pleasant aroma

It's no secret that fresh herbs make your food taste better. But did you know they can also make your home smell better? The smell of fresh herbs growing in your smart garden can be an amazing addition to your home. 

Whether you're cooking or just enjoying watching them grow, there's something about herbal aromas that makes a house feel welcoming. When guests walk in, they’ll feel like they’ve stepped into a spa.

5. It’ll make your parties memorable

A jar of lemon balm lemonade in front of a Smart Garden 3.

By growing fresh herbs in your indoor herb garden, you’re taking your hosting game to the next level. Whether you’re planning a cozy get-together for a warm summer evening or a formal cocktail party, your smart herb garden can be your ultimate companion. Have fun experimenting with homegrown herbs in flavorful drinks from iced tea to lemonade to margaritas.

Use basil to add some peppery flavor to grilled meat or even fruit salads if you’re feeling adventurous. Take advantage of mint’s refreshing flavor and pair it with chocolate desserts or coffee drinks.

You can use cilantro to make a pesto dip for fresh bread or chop it up and mix into rice. Alternatively, use it to create a sauce for tacos. The possibilities are endless. Check out our full range of plant pods here.

If you're looking for inspiration to start your own herb garden, we hope we've given you a few reasons why it's a great idea. Growing your own herbs is satisfying on so many levels, especially when you’re using a fully automated smart garden that does all the work for you. With all the flavors and nutrition our herbs have to offer, you and your guests will be eating well this summer!

Grow your own herbs this summer

The Smart Garden 3 with fresh basil growing inside it.

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Image credit (descending):

Adam Illingworth


Adam Illingworth

Marju Potter

Click & Grow

Grow the freshest,tastiest herbs any time of year

Fully automated indoor gardens that grow plant pods for you while making sure they have enough water, light, oxygen and nutrients.

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