Belay yo-ho-ho keelhaul squiffy black

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Back our Smart Herb Garden on Kickstarter

Thanks to our friends and fans, our first smart garden has done well. Today you can find it in more than 50,000 homes around the world. But we've been tinkering our labs to make it even better. And so we're very proud to unveil the brand new Smart Herb Garden.

It grows three of your favourite herbs, has a built-in light and is powered by our patent pending technology. All in all, growing plants without a garden has never been easier.

It costs a small fortune to start manufacturing the new gardens. So we're announcing the Smart Herb Garden on Kickstarter first. If you want to get a good deal, be among the first to get the new smart garden and do us a big favor please back us on Kickstarter.

Even if you don't need fresh herbs in your kitchen at this moment, please spread the word. Every little helps!

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