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Click & Grow: Why We’re Proud To Be From Estonia

Click & Grow: Why We’re Proud To Be From Estonia

Estonian Independence Day is 24 February and we can’t wait! It’s a time for Estonians all round the world to celebrate the birthday of their homeland. The day will mark the anniversary of the Estonian Declaration of Independence in 1918. While Click & Grow has grown to become an international community, we never forget where we came from. Here are just a few of the many reasons we’re proud to have been founded in Estonia:

Natural beauty

Did you know that over half of Estonia is covered in forests? Estonians have a great appreciation for their forests and all the beautiful wildlife that lives there. There are over 60 mammal species who have made their home in Estonian forests. It’s estimated that this includes 500–600 brown bears, 700–800 lynxes, 20,000 beavers, 20,000 wild boars and 12,000 elk among many others.

Despite being geographically larger than countries such as Denmark and Holland, Estonia has a small population of approximately 1.3 million which makes it feel very spacious. Over here it seems that, wherever you are, you’re only a 30-minute drive away from a beautiful lake or forest. Birdwatching is especially popular during spring and autumn, with several birdwatching towers scattered throughout parts of the country. Hiiumaa, the Estonian island where our smart gardens and plant pods come from, is a place of outstanding beauty. It’s home to approximately 1000 species of large plants, many of which are protected to preserve the island’s biodiversity.


Estonia’s air is among the cleanest in the world. Take a simple walk through the Estonian countryside and you’ll experience it for yourself. One of the reasons for Estonia’s pure air is the fact that it’s the 6th most forested country in Europe. Cleanliness is a big part of Estonian culture. For many Estonians, taking care of your home doesn’t just mean your house or apartment. It also means the wider environment in which you live; the streets, towns, villages and countrysides. Keeping the environment clean is something very important to Estonians.

It’s no surprise that World Cleanup Day originated in Estonia in 2008. Led by the ‘Let’s Do It!’ organisation, over 50,000 volunteers were recruited for a single day cleanup effort. This led to the removal of 10,000 tons of illegal waste. Cleanliness also means clean food. We’re proud of the fact that natural, organic food is a priority in Estonia. This resonates with what we believe here at Click & Grow - that everyone deserves clean, fresh food and to thrive.

Amazing digital society

In addition to being a country of natural beauty, Estonia is also extremely tech savvy. Estonia is the first country to offer transnational e-residency. It’s possible to sign legal documents using your ID card or mobile ID. 95% of tax returns are done online and you can register a business in no time at all. Online voting has been possible here since 2005. We love the fact that technology and creative ideas are highly valued in Estonia. Here at Click & Grow we’re always looking to make our products even more innovative. For instance, we recently launched the Smart Garden 9 Pro which makes use of bluetooth technology, allowing you to operate the smart garden lamp using your mobile phone. Being part of an amazing digital society really helps when it comes to making innovations like this.

Most entrepreneurial country in the EU

Estonia believes in entrepreneurs. The nation has an excellent business climate, boasting the most start-ups per capita in Europe. This is despite Estonia being the 132nd-smallest country in the world by land mass! International startups such as ourselves, Skype, GrabCAD, TransferWise, Pipedrive, Playtech and Bolt all originated in Estonia. Over here, foreign investors have equal rights and the same obligations as local entrepreneurs. Kaspar Kork, Director of the Estonian Investment Agency, has said, ‘Whereas every Finn owns a home sauna and every American an iPhone, it may soon be said that every Estonian owns a startup’. What a thought that is!

If you ever get a chance to visit Estonia in the future, we highly recommend it. You’ll enjoy seeing the beautiful country where it all started for Click & Grow. Estonia has a lot to be proud of. As Estonian model and former political candidate, Carmen Kass, once said: ‘We feel free. We’re independent. People can be openly proud of being Estonian. I have a lot of belief in Estonia’. Here’s to a bright future for Estonia and Click & Grow!

For further reading, check out our blog posts:

Let's Celebrate Estonian Independence Day with This Delicious Treat

Estonian Independence Day & Growing Cornflower at Home

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Fully automated indoor gardens that grow plant pods for you while making sure they have enough water, light, oxygen and nutrients.

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