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Refreshing Green Juice Recipe | Click & Grow

Refreshing Green Juice Recipe | Click & Grow

What comes to mind when you hear someone say, “the real health drink”? If you pictured a glass of delicious green juice, you’re not alone! Refreshing, vitamin-packed green juice has become so popular among healthy eaters around the globe that it’s earned itself a special day! 

The National Green Juice Day was founded in the US in 2016 by the company, ‘Evolution Fresh’. The aim is to encourage people to carry on with their New Year’s wellness resolutions by drinking a green juice on January 26th. We think it’s a great initiative, especially as fresh greens are readily available in your Smart Garden. 

So, are you ready for an amazing green juice recipe that’s loaded with nutrients, is naturally dairy and gluten-free and super tasty? If so, grab your juicer and follow along!

How to Make Refreshing Green Juice with Homegrown Greens


You’ll only need 7 key ingredients to make this refreshing juice: celery, kale, rainbow chard, cucumber, green apple, mint leaves, and a tiny bit of fresh ginger.

  • celery - nutritious and moisture-rich - perfect as a base! 1-2 stalls per glass should be enough
  • kale - take a few baby-leaves or a handful of mature plants - you want all those vitamins and minerals for stronger immunity.
  • rainbow chard - this versatile, nutritious leafy green will add even more goodness to your juice - and 0 pesticides! Alternatively, you can add any other green from our collection. 
  • cucumber - mild flavour and very hydrating - try to go for an organic one!
  • green apple - adds extra sweetness and flavor
  • mint leaves - gives freshness and acts as a great source of antioxidants.
  • ginger - provides a spicy kick and is loaded with antioxidants.


Wash your ingredients thoroughly and opt for organic produce whenever possible.

Chop apples into smaller (approximately 2-inch) pieces. It’s important for the pieces to be small enough to easily fit down the chute. Optionally, you can skin the apples as well. 

Remove the seeds and the apple core.

Chop other ingredients, like celery, cucumbers and ginger into small pieces as well. 

Harvest a handful of fresh kale and rainbow chard leaves from your Smart Garden using sharp shears or scissors. 

Cut a few peppermint leaves. 

Have all the ingredients ready for juicing!

Juice! Turn your machine on and pass all ingredients through the juicer, using tamper if needed. We recommend starting with celery, then apple and cucumber, then herbs, then greens, and finishing with ginger. 


Remember not to rush the juicing process by cramming too much produce down the chute too quickly as it may damage the juicer and clog the machine.

Enjoy your green juice fresh with a few ice cubes! You can also store it in the fridge for up to 24 hours - just give it a little stir before drinking.

PRO TIP - You can also use the pulp that is left from making the juice to make crackers - here is a great recipe!

Make sure to tag us on Social Media using @clickandgrow & #clickandgrow hashtag if you try this recipe at home! And remember - the best way to enjoy your nutritious homegrown greens is to put them to good use (or juice!). Happy National Green Juice Day!


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