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The Startling State of Food Safety and What to Do About It

The Startling State of Food Safety and What to Do About It

When stories of food safety dash across our television screens, laptops and smartphones, what is our initial reaction? Perhaps a mere moment of concern.

If, however, the story relates to food we've been consuming, we become fearful. We’re suddenly overpowered by the thought of experiencing the reported side effects…

… But those feelings only last momentarily. After all, the news eventually shifts its spotlight elsewhere… And so do we. We find ourselves becoming desensitized to the types of stories we are frequently exposed to. How long are we meant to stay apprehensive until another ‘food scare’ comes along?

Desensitization can become blinding. For the benefit of ourselves and those in our communities, isn’t it time we started thinking about food safety in a more proactive way?

Food Safety Concerns

As many of us have seen, a great deal of food safety concerns have arisen around salad greens, with threats such as E. coli coming to the forefront. One of the biggest culprits is the environment in which produce is grown. Issues we may never have considered, such as dirty farm water, can contaminate our greens.

There is a disturbing lack of transparency when it comes to the greens we buy in the shops… We haven’t seen how they were handled or treated. We haven't witnessed the conditions in which they were grown. We weren't present when the greens were bagged and shipped off to the supermarkets. Furthermore, we have no idea how much pollution the produce has been exposed to during the journey.

While the situation appears bleak, it should not cause us to lose all faith in traditional farming methods. After all, these methods have been around much longer than we have. Greens grown on farms have sustained our forefathers and been an integral part of our diets for generations.

Perhaps what it should do, however, is open our eyes to the modern day benefits of growing our own produce in an environment where we have more control over the growing and harvesting processes.

What Can We Do?

At Click and Grow, we believe that everyone deserves to thrive and enjoy clean, fresh food. As we see cities become more and more crowded, we want people to enjoy the benefits of growing food indoors, with the knowledge that their produce is free from GMOs and additives.

This is where Smart Gardens come to the forefront, aimed at making gardening as simple as possible.

There are many reasons to grow locally and ultimately they point towards perhaps the biggest benefit of all: knowing that the food you eat is fresh, organic and of the highest quality.

With the use of indoor gardens, we can now grow a wide range of healthy, organic plants such as red leaf beet, green sorrel, dill, garden cress and green lettuce among many others. The number of plants to grow indoors is rapidly increasing.

As we become more conscious of food safety, we become more conscious of the value in growing our own food. We believe indoor urban farming is an effective and practical way to take back control over what we put in our bodies.

If indoor gardening is something you’ve always been interested in, why not give it a try? It really is one of the most health conscious choices you can make. Perhaps your decision to start growing your own greens will inspire others to do similarly.

Improving our health and consuming the freshest foods are goals we can all strive towards. Indoor gardening can help us on this journey.

Head over to for more inspiration and to learn about our desire to make the most essential, fresh, vitamin-packed food available for everyone.

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