Belay yo-ho-ho keelhaul squiffy black

Prow scuttle parrel provost Sail ho shrouds spirits boom mizzenmast yardarm. Pinnace holystone mizzenmast quarter crow's nest nipperkin grog yardarm hempen halter furl. Swab barque interloper chantey doubloon starboard grog black jack gangway rutters.

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Something that has always been important to us at Click & Grow is getting as many people to grow their own nutritious food as quickly and as simply as possible! We think growing your food not only lets you know what you are putting in your bodies, but also allows you to build a connection to the environment around you, plus you learn patience, tons of patience.

We especially think it’s important for kids to learn how to garden at an early age because they are the future and how they grow up helps shape the changes they will make in the world! Moreover, there is no mistaking just the power that these younger generations have.

Because of our belief that everyone deserves nutritious food and our hope in the future, we began an initiative called #GrowAndGiveBack! To enter your child's school or your own classroom in the program, hashtag a photo of your Smart Garden using #GrowAndGiveBack, and then we will reach out to you and ask you to email the address, class, and school you would like a FREE Smart Garden 3 shipped!

We hope more of you will join in on this initiative in 2018 because we’re checking and would love for more schools across the world grow their basil plants too like this lucky winner here!

Guess what interest the boys? The boys went to take their chairs and sat down to watch them grow. 🤣 Received the @clickandgrow just few hours ago and gave the boys a choice of what they would like to plant. Key choose spruce 🌲, Kaey choose petunia 💐 and I choose petunia too! 💐🌲💐 I find the information on the time line of growth of plants very interesting. Hope my hands are green enough. 😂 I bought the plants under a subscription for a year. They mailed me the smart garden 3 and 2 plants which I choose. They will be mailing me another 2 plants 4 mths later, so in total I will be having 8 plants for a year of subscription. Can't wait to choose my next 2 plants! Probably cherry tomatoes 🍅 and chilli 🌶? Let's see how this grows! Looking forward!!! #keyenyeo #kaeyenyeo #clickandgrow #smartgarden3 #spruce #petunia #growyourownplants #growandgiveback #realchristmastreenextyear #yayornay #dependsonourgreenhands #nonsponsoredpost

A post shared by the Ks brothers ^_^ (@keyenkaeyen) on

And if we send a garden to your school, please feel free to reach out with any questions or share any photos we'd love to know how the basil is doing and if the kids have any questions.

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