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Travel Suggestion: Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

Travel Suggestion: Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

The Click & Grow community is filled with wonderful gardeners and lovers of nature. For those of you who are planning on visiting London, don't miss the chance to visit Kew Gardens.

For hundreds of years, strolling through Kew Gardens has been a blissful form of escapism for people of all ages and backgrounds.

Here are a few things that make Kew Gardens so special:

Incredible collection of plants

Image: Max Letek

Kew Gardens houses one of the most enormous and diverse botanical and mycological collections in the world. It’s also a world heritage site and one of London’s top attractions. A beautiful, natural sanctuary in South West London.

World’s oldest pot plant


The record breaking Eastern Cape giant cycad (Encephalartos altensteinii) arrived at Kew Gardens in 1775. It can be found standing in the Palm House in all its glory.

Check out what Sir David Attenborough has to say about this incredible plant and the Palm House:

Kew Palace


Kew Palace is the oldest building within the Gardens and was used as a retreat for King George III during the summertime. It’s faithfully maintained and very atmospheric. Step inside and you’ll feel like you’ve jumped back in time to the 18th century.

Treetop walkway


Set 18 metres above ground level, Kew’s treetop walkway allows you to see the gardens from a breathtaking aerial perspective. Walking through the forest canopy, you get to enjoy a view that only birds usually experience.

The Great Pagoda


This beautiful structure was completed in 1762 and given as a gift to Kew Gardens’ founder, Princess Augusta. Inspired by architecture from East Asia, the Great Pagoda is a marvel to behold. Make your way to the top for some incredible views of London.

Waterlily House


This small greenhouse is situated close to the Palm House. Inside you’ll get to see some of the biggest waterlilies in the world. Such giant waterlilies were discovered in Bolivia in 1801. They were later given the name, ‘Victoria amazonica’ in homage to Queen Victoria.

Visit Kew Gardens’ official website for more details about their history, research, and attractions.

Click here for information about tickets and prices.

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