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Meet Marju, our Graphic Designer

Meet Marju, our Graphic Designer

Marju, Graphic Designer


Marju studied at the faculty of architecture but have been working on the field of graphic design since the graduation. Marju likes to describe herself as a down-to-earth creative mind whose motto in the designing process is “god is in the detail”.

As a hobby cook, outdoors enthusiast and nature lover, she was thrilled to find out that Click and Grow was looking for a designer in their team. "I applied immediately and now I've been a happy grower for 9 months. I'm delighted to be part of the company with values close to my heart."


Which aspect of working at Click & Grow do you enjoy the most?

Great colleagues, new knowledge about plants, personal and professional growth.


What are some of the most important things you’ve learned at C&G?

I've learned a lot about plants and their well-being. I was amazed to find out a fun fact about Mustards when trying to make aioli with fresh Wasabi Mustard - when cutting the plant into little pieces the chlorophyll neutralizes spicy mustard essential oils in leaves. It means that you can't make spicy and green wasabi aioli out of wasabi mustard leaves.


Image from


Another lesson learned was the knowledge that plants need darkness, too. 


What is your favorite place in nature?

I love the hidden gems found off the beaten track.


What is the biggest plant you’ve seen / most amazing plant you’ve had a chance to meet?

A species of liana that takes over trees in the rainforest in order to climb higher for more light and nutrients.


Name a song that cheers you up every time:

Flume feat. Toro y Moi - The Difference


How many houseplants do you have?

2 x Phalaenopsis, Spathiphyllum, Salvia Rosmarinus, Fuchsia Hybrida, 8 x Jacobaea Maritima and 9 empty holes at the moment.


What is your favorite plant to grow in a Smart Garden?

Any kind of juicy greens!


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